About Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy
Acupuncture Point Injection is the injection at an acupuncture or trigger point of a small amount of a drug, vitamin, saline or plant extract and is a recent innovation of traditional acupuncture and aims to enhance and prolong the effect of stimulation of acupuncture points. This can help local and systemic effects such as pain relief, reducing inflammation, strengthening immunity, weight loss, treating insomnia, anxiety and much more.
Injection Menu
Vitamin B12
Benefits neurological disorders like progressive memory loss and lethargy. Aids metabolism, fights fatigue and alleviates headaches and allergy symptoms. Benefits people with pernicious anemia. Also great for shingles and facial paralysis. Cost: $30 each. Package of three for $80. Package of six for $153.
B Complex
Includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. Increases energy levels, fights fatigue, promotes deeper sleep, aids mental clarity, promotes healthy skin, hair and muscles, boosts immunity and reduces food cravings. Cost: $30 each. Package of three for $80. Package of six for $153.
Traumeel (by Heel)
Muscular pain, joint pain, sports injuries such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, effusions of blood and effusions into a joint, fractures; post-operative and post-traumatic edema and swelling of the soft tissues. Also recommended for bruising and inflammation processes.
A special lipotropic fat-burning combination of methionine, inositol, choline, and B12. Each of these ingredients help the body turn fat into energy and are also powerful antioxidants. MICC injections are often used in weight loss regimens as well as to promote healthy cell function and increased energy.
Amino Blend
This mixture is packed with B-complex vitamins, which may help keep skin and blood cells healthy and convert nutrients into energy. Amino Blend This blend of essential amino acids can help enhance athletic performance, decrease muscle loss, burn fat more quickly and improve metabolism speed.
Aweight loss solution designed to boost metabolism, increase energy and support your weight loss journey through a blend of potent ingredients like B6, Methionine, and Choline.
Derived from PABA/Folic acid and easily absorbed by the body.
The master antioxidant. Glutathione reduces oxidative stress, reduces cell damage in alcoholic and non fatty liver disease, improves insulin resistance.
Zeel (by Heel)
For degenerative arthritic conditions and joint stiffness.
Gripp Heel
Used at the first signs of viral illness to boost your immune response and shorten the duration of illness.
For general muscle spasms, to relief pain of the gastrointestinal (IBS, Colitis, etc) and urogenital tract (dysmenorrhea, bladder cramps, uterus), spasticity of the striated musculature (myogelosis, fibromyalgia, hardening of the muscles).
Placenta Compositum
For the stimulation of metabolic functions of the peripheral circulation of the blood, and the defense in arteriosclerosis. Promotes hair growth and rejuvenation.
Cutis Compositum
For chronic skin disorders and hair loss.